Exteriors with good lighting create a great first impression. The value, curb appeal, safety, and security of the home are all immediately increased by a well-thought-out, straightforward, and efficient external lighting installation. Additionally, it emphasizes architectural elements like fire pits, fountains, and driveways that make the outdoors more functional and usable at night, increase visibility to prevent tripping, and discourage criminal activity.

Even though it might not be evident at first, upgrading your home’s lighting is one of the most affordable ways to boost its value. There are many options and factors to take into consideration whether you choose to update the existing interior or exterior lighting in your home. In actuality, the distinction between earlier and later home lighting improvements could be pretty dramatic.  Here are the top 5 locations where you should consider improving your home’s lighting this year to make your decision easier.

Various Exterior Lighting Types

The days of using a flickering light bulb to illuminate the outside of your home are long gone. With the help of new lighting innovations, you may alter your outdoor area, while also increasing the security of your house. There are three basic categories of outside lighting, each serving a different function:

  • Safety lighting: The brightest lights are typically used for safety. Motion sensors are built inside them to keep thieves and nefarious animals away. You can navigate the exterior of the home more safely at night with the aid of safety lighting.
  • Landscape lighting: Used to highlight garden elements in your yard and enhance the mood of your outdoor space. If you want the illumination that turns your yard into a cozy and friendly space, look no further.
  • Accent lighting: This discrete lighting accentuates small, constrained spaces like planters, decks, and walkways. Use these lights to highlight distinctive elements in your outdoor area that you want to highlight.

In order to produce different illumination levels and meet different lighting needs, you would ultimately want to use all three outside lighting systems in your outdoor living space. All three lighting kinds offer a wide range of design and installation possibilities.

5 Ways to Use Exterior Lighting to Change Your Outdoor Living Area

People frequently get thrilled about investing in new patio furniture, a barbecue, or fresh flowers and plants when implementing new landscape ideas. Usually, lighting comes last. As a result, people frequently cannot use the outdoor living space they invested a lot of time and money on after sundown. This is why it’s crucial to consider installing an exterior lighting system that will allow you to utilize the outdoor living area you’ve constructed well into the night.

Here are some ideas for enhancing your outside space with exterior lighting:

  • Path lighting: Lighting your paths will make it safer for you and your visitors to move around your outdoor space while also creating a magical ambiance. Install them adjacent to a garden feature or flower bed, or on the ground leading to your front door. Path lighting is available in a variety of design styles and has solar or low-voltage LED alternatives.
  • String lighting: For gathering spaces like the outside dining or seating area, string lighting has become a prevalent option. These lamps frequently have low voltage and can have a variety of designs, including LED, rechargeable, or solar.
  • Deck Lighting: Deck lighting is intended to make it safer for individuals to climb and descend stairs. The lighting is often moderately to strongly illuminated using standard voltage, emphasizing any neighboring garden features. Deck lights are typically set back into the surface’s ridges so you can walk over them without fear of tripping or falling.
  • Spotlighting: Also known as “landscape lighting,” spotlighting involves projecting a focused upward beam of light with a moderate intensity to highlight a plant or other landscape elements. To highlight different shapes of trees, plants, and bushes, up-lighting can be set at or above ground level and comes in a variety of light-beam shapes.
  • Lanterns and candles: Adding temporary lighting to your outdoor environment, such as candles and lanterns, can improve the decor and design elements in your outdoor living area. These lights are also significantly more affordable and sustainable. To add a special touch to your environment, experiment with various lantern and candle sizes, shapes, and colors.

Get in Touch with Us About Our Exterior Lighting Solutions Today

Don’t let the lack of light prevent you from enjoying your favorite backyard activities; brighten the area with outside lighting solutions!

By strategically placing lighting, Esteem Electrical can assist you in making the most of your outdoor area and enhancing the beauty, security, and safety of your home. Esteem Electrical can choose the best lighting options for your outdoor space based on your needs and budget.

Need to know more? Call 0800 122 539 to get in touch with our staff right away, or use the form below!